Welcome to your search for nursing information at Hillcrest Claremore. Whether you are new to the idea of becoming a nurse or an experienced RN looking for a new work atmosphere, we're glad you've come to us. Hillcrest Claremore offers you numerous opportunities to be part of the medical team that provides our patients with the skilled care our community has come to trust.
Our nursing department consists of a team of highly qualified, professional registered nurses that are well educated to take care of the needs of our patients. A team of licensed practical nurses, and certified nursing assistants, support the RNs in order to enhance the patient experience.
Hillcrest Claremore offers you the opportunity to work in an environment that focuses on implementing evidence-based practices as a means to producing the best possible outcomes for our patients. Nurses play a vital role in improving the quality of life of their patients, and our nurses show an uncompromising commitment to providing the highest quality of patient care.
I am proud to serve as Chief Nursing Officer at Hillcrest Claremore. I believe that every patient is my patient and every customer is my customer. I believe our patients and customers are to be cared for in a compassionate and professional manner.
We welcome your interest in our nursing team where we strive to provide the best care possible to every patient, every time.
Dava Baldridge, CNO